Book Chapters

Blu Wakpa, Tria. “What Native American Dance Does and the Stakes of Ecosomatics.” In Geographies of Us: An Ecosomatic/s Reader, edited by Sondra Fraleigh and Shannon Rose Riley, 36-63. London: Routledge, 2024.

Blu Wakpa, Tria. “‘American’ Incarceration: Dances that Critique Confinement and Contribute to Prison Abolitionist Possibilities” in Resistance and Abolition in the Borderlands: Confronting Trump’s Reign of Terror, edited by Arturo J. Aldama and Jessica Ordaz, 172-193. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2024.

Blu Wakpa, Tria. “Popularizing ‘American-ness.’” In Dance in US Popular Culture, edited by Jennifer Atkins, 314-326. New York: Routledge, 2023.

Blu Wakpa, Tria and Jennifer Musial. “Going Carceral? Analyzing Written and Visual Representations of Prison Yoga Programs.” In Carceral Liberalism: Feminist Voices Against State Violence, edited by Shreerekha Pillai, 166-189. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2023.

Blu Wakpa, Tria. “Indigenous Dances: Lakota Bodies and Lands on and as the Frontlines,” In Milestones in Dance History, edited by Dana Tai Soon Burgess, 1-36. London: Routledge, 2023.

Blu Wakpa, Tria. “A Glint of Decolonial Love? An Academic Mother’s Meditation on Navigating and Leveraging the Ivory Tower.” In Indigenous Motherhood in the Academy, edited by Robin Minthorn, Christine Nelson, and Heather Shotton, 111-124. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2022.

Blu Wakpa, Tria. “Hozho Yoga: Indigenous Movements Illuminating Human and More-than-Human Interconnections.” In Practicing Yoga as Resistance: Voices of Color in Search of Freedom, edited by Cara Hagan, 133-155. London: Routledge, 2021.

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Blu Wakpa, Tria. “Aging Women of Color and Radical Movements: The Limitations and Possibilities of Embodied Practices for Radical Self-Love.” Scholar & Feminist Online 19, no. 1 (Summer 2023).

Roth, Sammy and Tria Blu Wakpa. “Performativity, Possibility, and Land Acknowledgements in Academia: Community-Engaged Work as Decolonial Praxis in the COVID-19 Context.” Performance Matters 8, no. 2 (2023): 72-93.

Blu Wakpa, Tria. “From Buffalo Dance to Tatanka Kcizapi Wakpala, 1894-2020: Indigenous Human and More-than-Human Choreographies of Sovereignty and Survival.” American Quarterly 74, no. 4 (December 2022): 895-920.

Blu Wakpa, Tria. “Challenging Settler Colonial Choreographies During COVID-19: Acosia Red Elk’s Powwow Yoga.” Critical Stages/Scénes 23 (June 2021).

Blu Wakpa, Tria. “Culture Creators and Interconnected Individualism: Rulan Tangen and Anne Pesata’s Basket Weaving Dance.” Dance Research Journal 48, no. 1 (April 2016): 107-125.

Mattingly, Kate and Tria Blu Wakpa. “Movement as Medicine: Indigenous Reclamation and Innovation during COVID-19.” The International Journal of Screendance, 12, 2021: 150-188.

Blu Wakpa, Tria, and George Blue Bird. “Zintkala Woihanbla (Bird Dreams): Drifting and Other Decolonial Performances for Survival and Prison Abolition.” Urdimento - Revista de Estudos em Artes Cênica 3, no. 39 (November-December 2020): 1-35.

Blu Wakpa, Tria. “A Constellation of Confinement: The Jailing of Cecelia Capture and the Deaths of Sarah Lee Circle Bear and Sandra Bland, 1895-2015.” American Indian Culture and Research Journal 40, no. 1 (2016): 161-183.

In Production

Roth, Sammy, Miya Shaffer, and Tria Blu Wakpa. “Toward Becoming Good Relatives: Not-Dancing to Center Indigenous Presence in the Dance Classroom” in Performance Matters, edited by Jenn Cole and Melissa Poll.

Additional Writings

Blu Wakpa, Tria. “Dances Done on Bones” (book review of Arabella Stanger’s Dancing on Violent Ground: Utopia as Dispossession in Euro-American Theater Dance). Dance Research Journal 54, no. 3 (December 2022): 113-116.

Blu Wakpa, Tria. “From Buffalo Dance to Tatanka Kcizapi Wakpala, 1894-2020: Indigenous Human and More-than-Human Choreographies of Sovereignty and Survival: Beyond the Page” (for American Quarterly), December 2022.

Barkataki, Susanna, Luvena Rangel, Kelley Palmer, Rina Deshpande, and Tria Blu Wakpa. “Cultural Appropriation.” Yoga Alliance, March 2021.

Blu Wakpa, Tria. “BLU WAKPA: The South Dakota House Judiciary Committee Should Pass Senate Bill 146.” Rapid City Journal, February 24, 2021.

Blu Wakpa, Tria. “100 for 100: Jessa Calderon and Tria Blu Wakpa.” UCLA School of the Arts and Architecture, November 21, 2019.

Blu Wakpa, Tria. “Illuminating Settler (In)justice: A Native American Prison Art Show.” Native Sun News Today, October 22, 2019.

Blu Wakpa, Tria. “Decolonizing Yoga? and (Un)settling Social Justice.” Introduction to Race and Yoga 3, no. 1 (2018): i-xix.

Blu Wakpa, Tria. “Yoga Brings You Back to Who You Are: A Conversation Featuring Haley Laughter.” Race and Yoga 3, no. 1 (2018): 1-11.

Strings, Sabrina, and Tria Blu Wakpa. “Rethinking Yoga: Meditations on the Work We Do.” Race and Yoga 1, no. 1 (2016): 1-3.

Andrews, Tria. “The Role of Prison Writing in Adjusting Dominant Misunderstandings.” As Us: A Space for Women of the World 4 (2014).

Creative Writing

Blu Wakpa, Tria and Luana Ross, ed. Poetry Section. Special Issue on “Native Criminalization and Prisonization.” American Indian Culture and Research Journal 40, no. 1 (2016).

Blu Wakpa, Tria. “To Alleviate,” “The Lie of America,” “Erase Her.” The Tusculum Review, 15 (2019): 16-20.

Blu Wakpa, Tria. “Young Woman Wrestler.” In Bodies of Athletics Anthology: The Prairie Schooner Anthology of Contemporary Sports Writing, edited by Natalie Diaz and Hannah Ensnor, 234. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2019.

Andrews, Tria. “Chicken and Rice, Vito Cruz, Manila.” Food Worlds Exhibition, 2014.

Andews, Tria. “Bait Car.” The Feminist Wire Forum on Violence. October 11, 2012.

Andrews, Tria. “On the Border,” “The Work of Our Play.” Drunken Boat, 2011.

Andrews, Tria. “Bone Woman.” Unsaid 4 (2009): 447-450.

Andrews, Tria. “Flipping Out,” “Not Your Maid,” “Tea Party,” “Loose Teeth.”, 2007.

Blu Wakpa, Tria, Carlos Contreras, Diahndra Grill, Casandra Lopez, and Tanaya Winder, ed. Creative Writing Section. Special Issue on “Decolonial Love.” As Us: A Space for Women of the World 4 (2014). Including contributions from my students from San Quentin State Prison.

Blu Wakpa, Tria. “The Politics of Love and the Politics of Blood,” “Butterflies, Bones, and Languages.” Lit Hub. August 15, 2018.

Andrews, Tria. “a crow gathering,” “For Patricia Spottedcrow and So Many Others.” As Us: A Space for Women of the World 4 (2014).

Andrews, Tria, “No White Lies,” “Doll Making, Camiling Industrial Schools.” As Us: A Space for Women of the World 1 (2012).

Andrews, Tria. “Deer Face.” Special Issue “Chimera.” BorderSenses (2009): 25-26.

Andrews, Tria. “Breath over Johnny Day.” Lumina Magazine 8 (2009): 24-26.

Andrews, Tria. “Brain-d.”, 2009.

Andrews, Tria. “Jaundiced Baby.” Fiction International 40 (2007): 155-163.